The purpose of Outreach is to provide connectivity between the Church and the Community to foster a knowledge of Christ and His saving and redemptive power.

Target Population:

The lost/unsaved in our Community, including our families, neighbors, co-workers and friends.

Program Goals and Objectives: 

  • Collaborate with other ministries to develop and implement and effective outreach strategy aligned with the Great Commandment,
  • Identify specific target groups and communities for outreach efforts,
  • Research and propose new outreach programs and initiatives to address emerging community needs.
  • Develop a strong discipleship ministry


Current Outreach / Missions Partners

Maranatha’s Outreach and Missions Auxiliary supports with prayer and finances several ministries who provide a variety of services and who share the same core values as we do.

  • OPEN DOOR MINISTRIES: strives to alleviate homelessness and hunger through their ministry of healing and hope.  Maranatha provides breakfast for the 100 plus men every first and third Sundays. (Minister Vanessa Smith)
  • LOVE LIFE: Maranatha joins thousands of believers from local churches and community leaders for a prayer walk outside the darkest places in our cities – the local abortion center. Every prayer walk consists of a time of prayer, worship, testimonies. (Minister Chandrea Richardson)
  • LESLIE’S HOUSE: provides a safe haven for homeless women (ages 18 and older without dependents). Maranatha helps to provide respite and encouragement towards good choices which aid the women in creating a positive and self-sufficient life. (Minister Gaynelle Jackson)
  • BELIEVE IN THREE – an evangelism program desiring to reach the lost while showing the love of God in a practical way. ( Minister Archie Herring)

Join us with your time, talent and treasure as we show the love of Christ in the local community.

See Minister Vanessa Smith for more details.